

October 1, 2010

The new EPA RRP Lead Safety Rule - Myth, Mania or Material Risk?

Many of our students enter the new EPA Lead Paint Certification classes skeptical of the real risks that might be involved in working on lead-based paint contaminated renovations.  After all, US regulations discontinued its sale after 1978. Students question whether the new regulations will merely hinder their ability to get the job done. 
While contamination levels have dropped since the 1960’s, the CDC estimates that approximately 250,000 U.S. children aged 1-5 years have blood lead levels greater than 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood, the level at which CDC recommends public health actions be initiated.  The Ohio ABLES Registry reports that 14% of adults age 16-80 tested for elevated lead levels had levels greater than 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood.  Elevated contamination levels were most likely to be reported for individuals in the age range of 40-64. It is assumed that this greater risk is due to the fact that these individuals are more likely to be working fulltime, thus increasing their risk of exposure.
Lead causes long term nervous system damage, stunted growth, delayed development, and emotional issues in children and adults.  It has been known to cause kidney damage and can affect most organ systems in the body. As a danger to adults, it can cause reproductive problems for both men and women. Lead paint is particularly treacherous because it tastes sweet, therefore encouraging children to put lead chips and toys with lead dust in their mouth.
One myth related to lead-based paint is that children must eat leaded paint chips to develop lead poisoning, when in fact the most common exposure to children occurs through ingestion of lead dust from normal hand-to-mouth contact when they swallow lead dust dislodged from deteriorated paint or leaded dust generated during contractor repair work, remodeling or paint surface preparation work.

Much like Asbestos and second hand smoke, lead dust is an insidious contaminant that is not easily eliminated from the body by normal processes.  Given that lead dust is portable and can easily contaminate ventilation systems, vehicles and worker’s clothing, the EPA’s guidelines for lead safety, containment and protective gear are meaningful and necessary.  To learn more about the guidelines and learn how to get the lead out right, click on the links to the EPA’s RRP website.  If you are interested in learning more about the curriculum and exam necessary for certification check out our website at  In my next post, I’ll go over the specifics of lead poisoning: its symptoms in children and adults as well as treatment options.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for helpful information. The EPA’s RRP rule is quite complex. If you need additional information on the regulations, we have great resources at and RRP FAQs answered by EPA at
    You can download the handbook Small Entity Compliance Guide to Renovate Right from the EPA’s official website at, which contains some sample forms.
    As contractors are required to contain dust to the work site, ZipPole Dust Barrier System will be of great help in complying with strict regulations. No tape or ladders are necessary. Please check it out at
